04: System-Limit Errors
The category System-Limit Errors: 04 (HTTP 400) includes the following set:
- 0401: Incorrect price, below the minimum
- 0402: Incorrect price, above than maximum
- 0403: Incorrect major, below the minimum
- 0404: Incorrect major, above the maximum
- 0405: Incorrect minor, below the minimum
- 0406: Incorrect minor, above the maximum
- 0407: Invalid precision
- 0408: Incorrect amount value, it must be a non-zero positive value.
- 0410: Trading not enabled
- 0411: Trading not enabled for market orders
- 0412: Incorrect stop, below the minimum
- 0413: Incorrect stop, above the maximum
- 0414: Internal use
- 0415: Internal use
- 0416: Internal use
- 0417: Internal use
Updated 3 months ago