Currency Dictionary

The tables compile the digital assets and fiat currencies you can buy, hold, transfer, and sell on the Bitso platform.

Bitso's APIs support transactions in the crypto and fiat currencies listed below. However, Bitso might add new coins to its portfolio, so the HTTP call specified below can help you retrieve the latest list. The /balance endpoint lists your account's current balance in every currency Bitso offers:



Currency Ticker Currency Name
aave aavelogo   Aave Token
ada adalogo   Cardano
algo algologo   Algorand
ape apelogo   ApeCoin
arb arblogo   Arbitrum
atom atomlogo   ATOM
avax avaxlogo   Avalanche
axs axslogo   Axie Infinity
bal ballogo   Balancer
bar barlogo   FC Barcelona
bat batlogo   BAT
bch bchlogo   Bitcoin Cash
bnb bnblogo   BNB
btc btclogo   Bitcoin
chz chzlogo   Chiliz
comp complogo   Compound
crv crvlogo   Curve DAO
dai dailogo   DAI
doge dogelogo   Dogecoin
dot dotlogo   Polkadot
dydx dydxlogo   dYdX
enj enjlogo   Enjin
eth ethlogo   Ether
eur eurlogo   EUR
ftm ftmlogo   Fantom
gala galalogo   Gala
grt grtlogo   The Graph
ldo ldologo   Lido DAO
link linklogo   ChainLink
lrc lrclogo   Loopring
ltc ltclogo   Litecoin
luna lunalogo   Terra
mana manalogo   MANA
matic maticlogo   Matik Token
mkr mkrlogo   Maker
near nearlogo   NEAR
omg omglogo   OMG Network
paxg paxglogo   PAX Gold
pepe pepelogo   PEPE
psg psglogo   Paris Saint-
pyusd pyusdlogo   PayPal USD
qnt qntlogo   Quant
sand sandlogo   Sand
shib shiblogo   Shiba Inu
snx snxlogo   Synthetix
sol sollogo   Solana
sushi sushilogo   SushiSwap
tigres tigreslogo   Tigres
trx trxlogo   TRON
tusd tusdlogo   TrueUSD
uni unilogo   Uniswap
usdc usdclogo   USD Coin
usdt usdtlogo   Tether USD
xlm xlmlogo   Stellar 1
xrp xrplogo   Ripple XRP
yfi yfilogo

Fiat Currencies

Currency Ticker Currency Name
ars 🇦🇷  Argentine peso
brl 🇧🇷   Brazilian reais
cop 🇨🇴   Colombian peso
mxn 🇲🇽   Mexican peso