History of Changes


In the article 03 Validation Errors, added the following error message:

  • 0379: Insufficient balance


In the article 02 Authentication Errors, added the following error message:

  • 0216: Your account has been restricted; please get in touch with your contact at Bitso
    Users with a PTS line might get this message, and their contact is a member of the Market Maker support team.


Added the article Understand Bitso's Auth Mechanism.


The endpoint Update an Order was released.


In the article 07 Account Errors, added the following error messages:

  • 0729: Error saving external bank account
  • 0730: Invalid external bank account
  • 0731: Error getting external bank account list
  • 0732: Error getting external bank account


The method GET /api/v4/currency_conversions/{conversion_id}\ added a fourth possible state: queued.


In the article Trades Channel, the table explaining the returned payload had the t entry incorrectly labeled as Maker side. It was changed to Trader side. The t stands for trader.


In the article 02 Authentication Errors, added error code 0215: Incorrect request signature.


In the article 02 Authentication Errors, added error code 0214: Invalid reCAPTCHA.


In the article 03 Validation Errors, added the following error messages:

  • 0377: Order matched, but trade records still being processed
  • 0378: Order has not been matched yet


Added the following information to the documentation of the WebSocket API to align with the code:

  • In the General article, the section Fields Included in Messages.
  • In the Trades Channel, Orders Channel, and Diff-Orders Channel articles, the field sent to the example message.


In the endpoint balance, the following updates were made to align with the code:

  • Added the next fields to the response-body table and sample response:
    • pending_deposit
    • pending_withdrawal
  • Updated the endpoint's URL so that it points to sandbox.


Added the following information to the documentation of the Websocket API to align with the code:

  • Trades section:
    • Addition of the field x to the table.
    • Modification of the server messages payload to show field added.
  • Diff-Orders section:
    • Addition of the field z to the table.
    • Modification of the server messages payload of cancelled orders to show field added.


In the endpoint open_orders, the following updates were made to align with the code:

  • Added the next fields to the response-body table and sample response:
    • origin_id
    • time_in_force
  • Added the query parameter source.
  • Updated the endpoint's URL so that it points to sandbox.


In the endpoint order_trades, the following updates were made to align with the code:

  • Added the next fields to the response-body table and sample response:
    • minor_currency
    • major_currency
  • Changed the type of the tid field from long to string.
  • Updated the endpoint's URL so that it points to sandbox.


In the endpoint /fees/, the following updates were made to align with the code:

  • Added the next fields to the response-body table and sample response:
    • volume_currency
    • current_volume
    • next_volume
    • next_maker_fee_percent
    • next_taker_fee_percent
    • nextVolume
    • nextFee
    • nextTakerFee
    • deposit_fees
  • Updated the endpoint's URL so that it points to sandbox.


Updated the URL of the endpoint /orders/ so that it points to sandbox.


In the endpoint user_trades, the following updates were made to align with the code:

  • Added the next fields to the response-body table and sample response:
    • minor_currency
    • major_currency
  • Changed the type of the tid field from long to string.
  • Updated the endpoint's URL so that it points to sandbox.


In the endpoint available_books, the following changes were made to align with the code:

  • Added the next fields to the response-body table and sample response:
    • default_chart
    • fees
    • tick_size
  • Updated the endpoint's URL so that it points to sandbox.


In the endpoint /ticker/ the following changes were made to align with the code:

  • Added the next fields to the response-body table and sample response:
    • change_24
    • rolling_average_change
  • Updated the endpoint's URL so that it points to sandbox.


Added the documentation of the /currency_conversions/ endpoint, responsible for requesting and executing quotes:

  • POST /api/v3/currency_conversions: Request a conversion quote

  • PUT /api/v3/currency_conversions/{quoteId}: Execute a conversion quote

  • GET /api/v3/currency_conversions/{quoteId}: Retrieve the details of a conversion quote


Added the following information to the documentation of the Websocket API to align with the code:

  • General section:
    • Was: Remove it, in which case it does not have an a field (amount).
    • Changed to: Cancel it, in which case it does not have the fields a (amount) and v (value).
  • Trades section:
    • Addition of the fields mo, to, and t to the payload of the server messages.
  • Diff-Orders section:
    • Addition of the field s to the table.
    • Modification of the server messages payload of open orders to show field added.
    • Addition of a sample payload for cancelled orders.
  • Orders section:
    • Addition of the fields o and s to the table.
    • Modification of the server messages payload to show fields added.


The article Diff-Orders Channel incorrectly documented the t field as follows:

  • 0 indicates sell
  • 1 indicates buy

The code has it the other way around. Docs were aligned with the code.


  • Added a new error code, '0506'.
  • Added documentation for the new withdrawal endpoints.
  • Added documentation for the new withdrawal methods endpoints.
  • Deprecated the Crypto withdrawal endpoints.
  • Deprecated the SPEI withdrawal endpoints.


  • Added new error codes, '0414' - '0417'.


  • Added new error codes to indicate when trading or conversions are disabled on your account.


  • Fixed a documentation inconsistency between the REST API service and the implementation:
    • In the open_orders service, the request parameters were wrong; presently, the parameters are book and currency as defined in the service implementation.


  • Updated the URL in General > Developer Testing Server to point to the newly configured sandbox environment.


  • Fixed a documentation inconsistency between the REST API service and the implementation:
    • In the open_orders and lookup_orders services, the status response object field now lists the possible value partially filled instead of partial-fill.


  • Fixed a documentation inconsistency between the REST API service and the implementation:
    • In the user_trades service, the parameter book changed to non-required.


  • An inconsistency existed in the documentation of the Diff-Orders and Orders channels. It described the t field as number 0 for selling and 1 for buying, but the correct implementation is the opposite. To make the documentation consistent with the implementation, we updated the field to number 0 for buying and 1 for selling. This update was for documentation only; nothing changed on the consumer side.


  • Fixed documentation inconsistencies between the REST API service and the implementation:
    • In the order_trades service, the response object field make_side changed to maker_side.
    • In this same service, we upgraded the created_at field format from 2021-06-11T09:25:05+0000 to 2021-06-11T09:25:05.000+00:00.


  • Deleted some old API errors from v2 and migrated to v3 errors in some cases:
    • 20 to 0301: Unknown Order book, if book is not valid
    • 22 to 0408: Incorrect amount value, it must be a non-zero positive value
    • 0410 is documented now: Trading not enabled
    • 0411 is documented now: Trading not enabled for market orders
    • 22 to 0302: Incorrect time frame (not ‘hour’ or 'minute’), when the time_in_force parameter is not valid
    • 22 to 0407: Invalid precision, when price parameter is not present
    • 22 to 0407: Invalid precision, when tick_size is not valid
    • 20 to 0201: Invalid Nonce or Invalid Credentials when user_id isn't present


  • Added the ability to query a withdrawal by its origin ID:
    • GET /v3/withdrawals?origin_ids={origin_id},{origin_id},{origin_id}


  • Deprecated the endpoint /v3/{api_method}/client_id/{client_id}:
    • GET /v3/order_trades/client_id/{client_id}
    • GET /v3/orders/client_id/{client_id}-{client_id}-{client_id}/
    • DELETE /v3/orders/client_id/{client_id}-{client_id}-{client_id}/