Get Account Status [WIP]
The GET /account_status/
method enables you to retrieve information about your account state, documents uploaded, and transaction limits.
HTTP Request
Header Parameters
You must specify the following authorization parameters in your request:
Parameter | Description | Required |
key | See the section, Authorization | Yes |
signature | See the section, Authorization | Yes |
nonce | See the section, Authorization | Yes |
JSON Response Payload
The endpoint returns a JSON object that includes the following fields:
Field Name | Description | Type | Units |
account_creation_date | The date and time when the system created the account. | String | ISO 8601 timestamp |
business_name | The name of the enterprise the business account is associated with. | String | |
born_in_residence | Flag to indicate whether the user was born in the country where they live. Possible values: - 1 indicates Yes - 0 indicates No | String | |
cash_deposit_allowance | The remaining cash allowance today. | String | Currency |
cellphone_number | The status of the user's registered cell phone number. Possible values: unsubmitted, submitted, and verified. | String | |
cellphone_number_stored | The user's registered cellphone number. | String | |
client_id | The user's system-generated client ID. | String | |
country_of_residence | The country where the user lives specified as a standard ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. | String | |
daily_limit | The user's total, daily limit. | String | Currency |
daily_remaining | The remaining amount of the user's total, daily limit. | String | Currency |
date_of_birth | The user's birthdate specified as MM/DD/YYYY. | String | |
email | Indicates whether Bitso has verified the user's stored email address. Possible values: verified and not verified. | String | |
email_stored | The user's registered email address. | String | |
enabled_two_factor_methods | The two factor authentication method enabled by the user. Possible values: totp, email, fido. | String | |
entity_type | The type of enterprise the business account is associated with, represented in codes. For example, SA stands for Sociedad Anónima, LTDA stands for Sociedad Limitada, and so forth. | String | |
first_name | The user's name. | String | |
gravatar_img | The URL of a globally recognized avatar. Currently, this field is not being used. The team considered it to provide the ability for users to add an image to their profile. | String | |
gender | The user's gender. Possible values: F and M. | String | |
last_name | The user's first surname. | String | |
monthly_limit | The user's total, monthly limit. | String | Currency |
monthly_remaining | The remaining amount of the user's total, monthly limit. | String | Currency |
official_id | The status of the user's official ID document. Possible values: unsubmitted, submitted, verified, rejected. | String | |
origin_of_funds | The status of the user's origin-of-funds document. Possible values: unsubmitted, submitted, verified, rejected. | String | |
preferred_currency | The currency the user selected to show their balance specified in a standard ISO 4217 code. | String | |
proof_of_residency | The status of the user's proof-of-residency document. Possible values: unsubmitted, submitted, verified, rejected. | String | |
referral_code | DEPRECATED. Used before in the loyalty referral program. The service keeps it for backwards compatibility. | String | |
status | The account state. Possible values: active and inactive. | String | |
signed_contract | The status of the user's signed-contract document. Possible values: unsubmitted, submitted, verified, rejected. | String | |
second_last_name | The user's second surname. | String | |
tax_payer_type | The user's fiscal status. Possible values: person and legal_entity. | String | |
user_default_fiat_currency | The currency assigned by default according to the user's country of residence, specified in a standard ISO 4217 code. If Bitso does not operate in the country where the user lives, then the value assigned is USD. | String | |
verification_level | The maximum level the user has reached in Bitso's KYC process. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. | Number |
The following response object exemplifies the JSON object returned:
"success": true,
"payload": {
"client_id": "1234",
"first_name": "Claude",
"last_name": "Shannon",
"second_last_name": "Monet",
"status": "active",
"daily_limit": "5300.00",
"monthly_limit": "32000.00",
"daily_remaining": "3300.00",
"monthly_remaining": "31000.00",
"cash_deposit_allowance": "5300.00",
"cellphone_number": "verified",
"email": "verified",
"email_stored":"[email protected]",
"official_id": "submitted",
"proof_of_residency": "submitted",
"signed_contract": "unsubmitted",
"origin_of_funds": "unsubmitted",
"verification_level": 5,
"referral_code": "aauv",
"country_of_residence": "MX",
"gravatar_img": "",
"account_creation_date": "2022-01-09T17:07:24+0000",
"preferred_currency": "mxn",
"enabled_two_factor_methods": [
"business_name": "",
"gender": "F",
"user_default_fiat_currency": "mxn",
"date_of_birth": "01/01/1990",
"born_in_residence": "1",
"tax_payer_type": "person",
"entity_type": "N/A"
Updated 7 months ago