How to Use the Service ARS

Learn the flow to complete an international transfer of ARS funds via API calls.

The underlying operation of an international transfer of ARS funds is converting cryptocurrency into fiat money. Conversions enable you to access a value in ARS of your crypto funds at a fixed rate rather than at dynamic market prices. These transactions let you know the exact amount of assets you will need to spend at a fixed rate.

A conversion's underlying operation is a trade, and it might be necessary to execute several trades to complete the conversion amount. However, the latter is out of users' intervention.

In this first stage of the International Transfers in ARS implementation, you can send funds only to one receiving account in each transfer.

International ARS Transfers have a specific flow:

  1. Request an international transfer quote: Use POST /international-transfers/v1/quotes to request a quote. Specify the currency to convert and the target amount. The quote call provides you with a conversion rate, which is fixed and valid for the next 40 seconds.
  2. Execute the international transfer: The quote call also returns a quote ID that helps you submit the quote to Bitso's International Transfers service using POST /international-transfers/v1/transfers. The service updates your crypto funds balance and transfers the target currency to the destination account via Nvio Argentina, Bitso’s financial entity responsible for operating withdrawals and deposits in the Argentine jurisdiction.
  3. Track your transfer: After submitting your international transfer quote, you can retrieve the transfer details and determine its status with GET /international-transfers/v1/transfers/{id}.

What’s Next

The following articles explain the details of each of these steps.